____/ Linonut on Thursday 03 January 2008 18:40 : \____

> * Ignoramus5311 fired off this tart reply:
>> On 2008-01-03, Roy Schestowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> He uses gNewSense at the moment, so a Ubuntu (Debian) derivative in a
>>> sense. I interviewed him recently, so he told me. He used to be using
>>> Utoto.
>> Roy, thanks, this is interesting to know!!!
> Looks like it is Ututo, not Utoto, though.
Yeah, I wasn't sure when I typed this. I was going to do a quick Web search to
confirm, but I didn't (I rarely do).

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz  
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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