Rjack wrote:

> "So over the weekend I began to think about the GPL and my general
> disdain for it. For a license that is touted as 'free', it certainly
> doesn't feel that way. As a libertarian, I've often found myself baffled
> by the leftist stance that freedom has to be enforced with overwhelming
> regulation, and to me, the GPL is one of the best examples of such
> repression. Its viral nature is neither business nor government
> friendly, and its proliferation places a great strain on a developer's
> ability to quickly and freely incorporate quality software into highly
> complex and disparate systems. . . "
> http://www.tbradford.org/2008/09/kinder-gentler-free-software-license.html
> Sincerely,
> Rjack :)

Libertarian complains that the GPL "isn't government friendly".  Kewl.
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