Alexander Terekhov <> wrote:
> I personally believe that even if a particular instance of object code
> is judged to include protected expression of both/either source code's
> copyright owner and/or compiler's copyright owner, the resulting binary
> is merely an aggregation of multiple computer program works -- in
> GNUspeak it is called "mere aggregation".

This may be true.  That you personally believe this, I mean.  But that
belief is mistaken.

"Mere aggregation" means making a loose collection of separate things.
Trust me on this one, my native language is English.

An example of a "mere aggregation" is two books bound together in a
single spine.  However, if two authors were to cooperate to produce a
single book, this would not be a "mere aggretation" - it would be a
tightly integrated whole - just like a single binary resulting from a
compilation process.

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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