Rjack <u...@example.net> writes:

> Hyman Rosen wrote:
>> Rjack wrote:
>>> imaginary settlements
>> In each case filed by the SFLC, the defendants or their agents have
>> made the GLPed sources available in proper compliance with the
>> GPL. That perfectly real source code is available for
>> download from perfectly real web sites.
> In each case filed by the SFLC, the defendants have always received

"bargained" is more fitting than "received".  If you have no chance of
prevailing in a case, you bargain your way out if the other party
permits it.  The FSF has always stated that they want compliance, not
blood.  If they get compliance, that's dandy.

> a voluntary dismissal without any judgment being rendered against
> them whatsoever.

Yes, lucky them, nice SFLC.

David Kastrup
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