amicus_curious wrote:

"Alexander Terekhov" <> wrote in message

SFLC's spin-doctoring:

Well, it is the duty of the generals to rally the troops at all
times, even if it is necessary to lie or to conceal /ignore
material facts. There is no mention of the actions taken by TomTom
to remove the infringing functions from their product by changing
the software using the FAT technology.  That seems to speak louder
than the spin, based as it says "on the information that we have"
which is zero.

Face-saving seems to be their principal product.

Many years ago when Ronald Reagen was but an actor, he hosted the
General Electric Theater where he would announce, "At G.E. progress is
our most important product".

At the Software Freedom Law Center Eben Moglen should announce, "At
the S.F.L.C. propaganda is our most important product".

Rjack :)
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