In article <%be9m.42750$ta5.28...@newsfe15.iad>,
 Hyman Rosen <> wrote:

> Rjack wrote:
> > You're missing the point. The GPL's goal is to purportedly replicate
> > licenses "downstream" to all third parties. It is not possible for the
> > holder of a non-exclusive license (a non-owner) to grant a *new*
> > license downstream.
> <>
>      Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient
>      automatically receives a license from the original
>      licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work,
>      subject to this License.

That license comes from the copyright owner, not the non-exclusive 
licensee who conveys the work. That's why only the copyright owner has 
standing to sue over a GPL violation.

--Tim Smith
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

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