On Sat, 6 Feb 2010 18:19:29 -0800 (PST), peterwn wrote:

> On Feb 7, 1:50 am, RJack <u...@example.net> wrote:
>>> Everyone wants a piece of you these days: Google, Facebook, Flickr,
>>> Apple, AT&T, Bing. They’ll give you free e-mail, free photo storage,
>>> free web hosting, even a free date. They just want to listen in. And
>>> you can’t wait to let them. They’ll store your stuff, they’ll
>>> organize your photos, they’ll keep track of your appointments, as
>>> long as they can watch. It all goes into the “Cloud.”
>> Moglen whines mightily about the very thing the GPL purports to do.
>> 1) Give you something for free -- public copyright permissions.
>> 2) Snatch control of your exclusive copyrights for public consumption.
>> Are Free Softies actually so stupid that they can't see the hypocrisy
>> in Moglen's protestations?
> This guy you call a bull artist studied at Yale, was a clerk to one of
> the US Supreme Court Justices and is a professor at an Ivy League law
> school (Columbia).
> In the light of that, your criticisms sound rather pathetic.

He has quite an impressive resume!
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