Hyman Rosen wrote:
On 2/17/2010 6:48 PM, RJack wrote:
Whatever (unverifiable) source code that is provided out there (if in fact there is any) is years old, out of datesource modules that mock the claim "gaining compliance". You simply can't verify what's posted out there any more than you can produce a copy of a settlement agreement.

It is very easy to verify compliance; take the allegedly compliant source code, follow its building instructions, and see if the result
 is the same as the binary being copied and distributed. (I would say
 "identical" but there may be artifacts such as build-time tags in
the binary that prevent exact identity.)

Claiming "it is very easy" is just another unverified claim. You're
entitled to your own opinion but not your own unverified facts. Sorry.

If the binaries have been built from old sources, then those are the
 sources that need to be distributed for compliance, so that users of
 the software can run, read, modify, and share the version that is on
 their device.

What you are doing Hyman is attempting to claim that "correlation implies causation". You can't even factually establish a correlation. You're practicing one of the oldest logical fallacies that naive people succumb to.

Silly RJack! Of course correlation implies causation! Without this fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress. Now,
 it's true that correlation doesn't prove causation, but when there
is a plausible mechanism along with the correlation, then parsimony accepts one as a cause of the other. For anyone but devoted anti-GPL
 cranks, the sequence of one, a lawsuit with demands by the
plaintiff, two, a settlement of the suit, and three, the defendants
acting as the plaintiffs demanded, is proof that the lawsuit brought
about the actions.

I leave it to you to convince the 99.999% of the World that holds
the opinion contrary to yours. Again, you are freely entitled to your
own opinion but not your own logical system of thought. You may adopt a
solipsist posture for which there is no logical refutation but it won't
convince the rest of the World. You may argue that Red is Green ad
infinitum but you'll only be addressing yourself. I'm afraid your ego
and your id are trapped in a vicious circle of correlation and
causation. Enjoy Hyman. Enjoy.

"Captain Moglen scared them out of the water!"


RJack :)

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