RJack <u...@example.net> writes:

> If you are so smart at interpreting the Federal Rules of Civil
> Procedure, why are you so dumb at grasping doctrines like preemption
> and promissory estoppel?

They don't apply where there is no preemption and no promissory

> Could it be that you actually know the GPL is preempted and thus GPL
> code is quasi-public domain due to promissory estoppel?

If the GPL is invalid, there is no other license for copying and
modification.  It is nonsensical to at once claim it being invalid, then
using "promissory estoppel" claims as an excuse to take its permissions
without heeding the conditions under which they are given.

You can't pull it out of your hat only when you need it and ignore it

> Perhaps your feigned ignorance is just stubbornness (like Hyman
> Rosen)?

There is no ignorance feigned.  If repeating obvious statements to
cranks purporting not to get them is "stubbornness", I might be guilty
of that.

David Kastrup
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