Hyman Rosen wrote:
On 4/7/2010 1:37 PM, RJack wrote:
There is, of course, no link anywhere to BusyBox, v.0.60.3. for
which the plaintiffs Complaint claims infringement.

Interesting that your "arguments" have devolved into outright lying
instead of merely being wrong. Pointless, too, since it is so easy to
refute them by reading the complaint <http://www.softwarefreedom.org/resources/2009/busybox-complaint-2009-12-14.pdf>.

The only mention of a particular version of BusyBox is 31. Mr.
Andersen is, and at all relevant times has been, a copyright owner
under United States copyright law in the FOSS software program known
as BusyBox. See, e.g., “BusyBox, v.0.60.3.”, Copyright Reg. No.
TX0006869051 (10/2/2008). Plaintiff Software Freedom Conservancy is
the corporate home for the BusyBox project and the designated
copyright enforcement agent for Mr. Andersen with respect to BusyBox.

The complaint does not allege that the defendants are distributing this particular version

"Hyman says".

Hyman says, "We don't need to show no stinkin' link 'cause we just
mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved the goalposts."

, and distributing any GPL-covered version
of BusyBox is copyright infringement unless the sources are properly supplied as specified by the GPL. The defendants are required to supply the sources for the version they distribute

RJack :)

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