David Kastrup wrote:
> Alexander Terekhov <terek...@web.de> writes:
> > Hyman Rosen wrote:
> >>
> >> On 4/8/2010 12:53 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> >> > Uh idiot Hyman...
> >> > For indentation, go to
> >> > http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20100403103524185#comments
> >> > and search for "Terekhov", silly Hyman.
> >>
> >> The point of communication is to communicate.
> >
> > Here's the communication: STOP BEING UTTER IDIOT HYMAN!
> I don't see him attempting to compete with you in that area.

Said IDIOT dak who wrote in 2004:


"Man kann niemanden wegen Verstoßes gegen die GPL verklagen, da die GPL
kein Vertrag und kein Gesetz ist."

UTTER IDIOT dak in 2010:

> http://www.jbb.de/fileadmin/download/judgment_dc_frankfurt_gpl.pdf
> "The GPL grants anyone who enters into such contract with the licensor
> the right to copy, ..."

Germany might call things different ...

P.S. "Every computer program in the world, BusyBox included, exceeds the
originality standards required by copyright law."

Hyman Rosen <hyro...@mail.com> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. "Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress."

Hyman Rosen <hyro...@mail.com> The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
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