On 4 Jun 2012 15:42:33 -0400, secret...@lxny.org wrote:

> In Washington DC on Tuesday 5 June 2012 at 1:30 pm in the
> Jefferson Building, there will be a discussion of Proposed
> Exemption 4 to the "Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright
> Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies" which
> prohibition is a part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
> >   On the panel, our side is strong.  In addition to Brett Wynkoop
>   and Jay Sulzberger of New Yorkers for Fair Use, we've got
>   Aaron Williamson, of the Software Freedom Law Center, and
>   Marcia Hoffman, of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

My advice to the unwashed Linux minions is to stay home.

Seeing you "neck bearded" freetards in person will be too much of a
shock for congress and it certainly will not help your cause any.
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