  what="two announcements of Software Freedom Day NYC 2012"
  personal="Jay Sulzberger may rant on
            Routers, Law, Invisible History,
            Universal Conspiracy, and
            The Right To Own A Computer"
  edits="some mild reformatting;
         announcements are separated by a line of ***'s">

 Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 19:03:44 -0400
 From: forest mars <compustre...@gmail.com>
 To: NYLUG Technical Discussion <nylug-t...@nylug.org>
 Subject: [nylug-talk] Software Freedom Day - This Saturday at ITP (Interactive 
Telecommunications Program)

 The 5th annual Software Freedom Day
 NYC<http://cfsg.org/Software-Freedom-Day-2012>will take place on
 Saturday September 15, 2012 from 6:30-10:00 pm.

 The New York celebratory event will be held this year at ITP, NYU's school
 for the Interactive Telecommunications Program, located at 721 Broadway
 (between 8th Street & Washington Place.)

    As in previous years this will be a celebration of the merits and
    successes of free software, with food & drinks and a short program of
    speakers. This is also a "hack friendly" event; we will have 2 large
    breakout rooms so bring your laptop to demonstrate a project you're working
    on or engage in informal collaboration.

 At 8:00 pm there will be a short program including presentations. Scheduled
 speakers include:

    - James Vasile of the Software Freedom Law Center on "Free Software vs
    Censorship and Surveillance"
    - "Wikipedia Takes Manhattan=94 -- presented by Wikimedia NYC (following
    up on this afternoon=92s photo-walk departing Bowling Green at 3pm, and
    arriving at ITP at 7pm)
    - Jon Stanley on the Fedora project
    - Occupy <3s Open Source -- presented by
    TechOps<http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/TechOps> of
    the NYCGA (NYC General Assembly)

 as well as short talks on other free software projects and distributions.

 After this program there will be a reception, including a key signing.

 For full event information please see the official announcement at

 For more information about Software Freedom Day see the Wikipedia entry:

 Forest Mars

 -- =

 "In theory, theory and practice are exactly the same.
 In practice, they're completely different."
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 Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 06:37:59 -0400
 To: annou...@isoc-ny.org
 From: ISOC-NY announcements <annou...@lists.isoc-ny.org>
 Subject: [isoc-ny] Software Freedom Day & Wikipedia takes Manhattan next 
Saturday 9/15
 Reply-To: presid...@isoc-ny.org

 They say it never rains but it pours, but Sun is forecast for next Saturday
 when a plethora of events overtake NYC including Wikimedia NYC's 4th Annual
 walk and shoot. Not mentioned below is that that same day there will also
 be an Occupy Town Square in Washington Square from 11am-7pm  with lots of
 diversions. Don't worry - the police riot is not scheduled until Monday..
  And one of Occupy's best will present at the Software Freedom shindig so
 even if you can't make the town square you can still get in on the 99%
 action! - joly

   joly posted: "Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of
 Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that has occurred annually since 2004.
 This year's NYC event will be at NYU ITP this Saturday Sep 15 2012. For
 events in other locations check the map. What: So"

    [image: Software Freedom Day] <http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/>Softwa=
 Freedom Day <http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/> (SFD) is a worldwide
 celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that has occurred
 annually since 2004. This year's NYC
 event<http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2012/USA/NY/NYC>will be at
 NYU ITP this Saturday Sep 15 2012. For events in other locations
 check the map <http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/map/index.php?year=3D2012>.

 *What*: Software Freedom Day
 *When*: Saturday Sep 15 2012 : 6:30-10:00 pm
 *Where*: NYU ITP, 721 Broadway NYC
 *Hashtag*: #softwarefreedomday<https://twitter.com/search/?q=3D%23SoftwareF=

 [image: Wikis Take
 with, and as part of, Software Freedom Day, WikiMedia NYC is
 organizing Wikipedia
 Takes Manhattan
 - a scavenger hunt and photo contest aimed at illustrating
 Wikipedia articles covering the wondrous sights of the isle of Manhattan,
 as part of the wider Wiki Loves Monuments USA.

 *What*: Wikipedia Takes Manhattan 2012 <http://wikilovesmonuments.us/>
 *Where*: Starts at 3pm in Bowling Green Park NYC
 *When*: Saturday September 15 2012: 3pm-6.30pm
 *Register*: http://www.meetup.com/WikimediaNYC/events/80776822/
 *Twitter*: https://twitter.com/wikimedianyc

 *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:

 Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

  VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org

 Internet Society - NYC Metropolitan Area Chapter

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