On 12/4/13, 10:03 PM, in article
n5odnx--damgld3pnz2dnuvz_rgdn...@bresnan.com, "GreyCloud" <m...@cumulus.com>

> On 12/4/2013 6:53 PM, RedBlade7 wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Dec 2013 19:54:24 -0800, keltonkostis wrote:
>>> the Metro UI is
>>> so weird it is a nightmare to support, and it overall bombs for desktop
>>> use. It was designed for tablets and phones, but my problem is that if
>>> they wanted a tablet or phone interface they could have put it on one of
>>> those devices and spared the desktop market of the dumbed-down GUI by
>>> making a different version with a different GUI. Also, try to visualize
>>> how horrible some of these common desktop applications would look if
>>> Metroified-
>> M$ should have shifted their focus to the M$-dependent business sector
>> (e.g. health care).
>> Instead M$ went after the "Windows 9x Kids" who, after growing up,
>> managed to escape their wrath by using Mac and Linux (including embedded
>> versions and Android) and have no reason to return to the Illegal
>> Operations, Security Updates, and Service Packs of their childhood.
>> M$ will never "win" unless they shift their focus to the business sector,
>> which M$ continually frustrates as they continue wasting time/money on
>> the home user.
> You should go into a modern nursing home and watch them as they use
> touch screens mounted on the walls.  No keyboards, as they don't have
> time.  A touch screen is perfect for that kind of health care system and
> most doctors approve of this approach.
Windows 8 might work on touch screens - but for laptops and especially
desktops the new UI makes no sense. And for tablets it makes no sense to
have the old desktop UI.

In other words there is pretty much no hardware where Windows 8 makes sense.

"Maybe it wouldn't be quite as good, but we would all be okay."
- Richard Stallman, speaking about if his ideas were followed

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