Hi Marcel,

On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 09:52:52PM +0700, Marcel wrote:
> I did not harass anyone. I expressed myself, as I am doing now, and
> every time I did so, my posts were silently kept from the list.
> If all three versions of my response all violated the censor's rules, so
> did her message; at least as far as it concerned the "harshness"
> Guideline toward RMS. I asked the censors to point to the "offending
> parts" so that I could remove them and post the rest of my response. I
> was not told which parts had to be removed.
> After my second version was rejected, I decided I would debug my message
> and see what parts made it through. I chose to start with the last bit,
> which I will not quote again because it was also rejected and may cause
> this whole message to be rejected.

You were repeatedly posting to a very heated thread that we had to
silence because multiple people were repeatedly sending personal
sexist attacks which spiraled horribly out of control as explained in
that thread:
You should also have gotten an explanation with the rejection message.
If that message wasn't clear my apologies. The huge number of message
might have meant you got a template message instead of something fully

There is some more guidelines for posting to the list here:

Specifically for this list:

   Flaming is out of place.  Tit-for-tat is not welcome.  Repetition
   should not occur.

   Good READING and writing are expected.  Before posting, wait a
   while, cool off, and think.

So take your time to reply and think whether you actually have a new
point to make, or if you are just restating your opinion again. If
possible bundle your replies to several messages. Restricting yourself
to just one message a day to the list is not a bad thing.

> I believe you are confused about the meaning of the censorship I
> suffered in this mailing list. Was I the only one? Is it still ongoing
> (it seems not, but I cannot tell when my next post will be censored
> again). I read from Dora's first post to this list that she was made to
> wait for five days before being granted membership. That is another
> example of censorship.

lists.gnu.org had some trouble with processing all the emails last
week. That meant some messages were stuck in the queue for multiple
days. That included mailman administrative emails. I believe those
issues have now been resolved and emails flow more quickly now.



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