Le lundi 4 novembre 2019 05:34:26 CET, vous avez écrit :
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 05:25:52AM +0100, Alexandre François Garreau wrote:
> > But now about “hysterical”,

> French I have no idea about.

I think it’s the same in both.

> Regardless how many times it is said otherwise, it doesn't change that
> Hysterical is a legitiamte and correct term for use in English...

Yet, if we take a scientific approach to language, that any linguist will take, 
we shall not take a purist approach that a term is correct and another is not, 
that anything ought to be banned.  So…

> Hysterical is the correct term and it is not a gender term.

…if for you according your definition it is the correct word, then it is (then, 
it might be the wrong for the recipient, but at this level of analysis it’s 
out of subject).

The question is then: what does it mean? crazy? or simply you don’t like the 
person? or nothing?

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