* Alexandre François Garreau <galex-...@galex-713.eu> [2019-11-04 10:44]:
> > Some people are more emotional, some less, some have
> > traumas, and some don't have, we all react differently.
> Yes, but keep in mind what could be understood (in both senses: receptor and 
> emitter).  Insult are a convention, so are all emotional charges.  Insults 
> are 
> just an extreme of this.

Good points!

It is as you said that particular society will respond to particular
words by particular emotional charge. General public response may be
caused by using certain wordings and expressions.

Thus who control keywords that are bringing emotional charges can
control the public opinion.

Media is profiting out of it. That group is causing the problems. They
make money on scandals.

Thus for GNU governance, one shall strive being rational and avoid
acting based solely on emotional charges, but on reason, evidences,

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