Le mercredi 6 novembre 2019, 14:00:33 CET Thompson, David a écrit :
> Hello moderators,
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 9:56 PM Ruben Safir <ru...@mrbrklyn.com> wrote:
> > there has been NO problematic behavior by RMS.  You would never have
> > survived 30+ years in the spotlight like he has.  He has been rock solid
> > and saying otherwise don't give it any ground.
> This message has made it through moderation and onto the list which I
> believe is a mistake.

Wait, this might has been aggressive (caps are) as usual from Ruben… But this 
was noway insulting, hateful or harmful!

> gaslighting

I’d notice that problematic behavior has been discussed, questioned, asked 
about and speculated on on this list *only* by supporters of RMS.  None of 
you, except a few, once or two (abort joke… I think that’s it) never cited 
anything.  So it’s not gaslighting in any way.  You can just contradict him if 
you dare (as nobody has done this with arguments until then), or ignore 

Censoring him for *that* would be a good example of biased moderation.

“gaslighting” is heavily subjective, blurred and informal.  We cannot impede 
that.  Every time people disagree and have a hard time understand each other, 
that might be considered as “gaslighting” from each part against the other.  
The only discriminant here is intent.  We can’t condemn people for intent, 
especially if speculated.

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