Hello fans,

Proud to announce Lilypond 0.1.59.  Some hacking in the matrix classes
made it a lot faster.

Share and enjoy.

(PS.  Jan Arne, please integrate my mods of ly2dvi? )

pl 59
        - ly2dvi 0.9.hwn1, -K switch,
        - doc: moved manpages in separate directory.
        - do WWW stuff via make
        - mutopia-index.py
        - ly2dvi 0.9 (JAF)
        - multi platform build fixes
        - junked embedded switches, embedded MF, obsolete TeX stuff
        - junked virtual matrix storage: inlined most matrix
        speed increase of 30%
        - junked taupindefs,  eglerdefs
        - rm'd taupin/egler from INSTALL
        - doc: engraving.bib, colorado.bib
        - input hierarchy.

pl 58.jcn6
        - multi-measure rests: moved acknowledge from
        to -grav
        - slur clipping experimental...
        - bo to b
        - always announce multi-measure

pl 58.jcn5
        - bf: reset plet after reading mmrest
        - try at not generating moments...
        - Multi_measure_rest 'symbol'

pl 58.jcn4
        - try at multi-measure rests: part.ly
        - bf's: slur get_encompass
        - bf: slur clipping

pl 58.jcn3
        - experimental (--test) clipping of too high or tilted slurs
        - nicer slur control output and ps code
        - bit thicker and round-capped tuplet bracket
        - bf: slur.cc: RESIZE_ICE

pl 58.jcn1
        - varray.hh bezier.cc, slur.cc patches to avoid gcc 2.8.1 ice
        - some inlining fixes
        - configure: use -O to enable inlining
        - included and fixed new make-patch.py
        - bf: Mutopia.make
        - bf: offset: operator - ()
        - ugly hack bezier: do blow_fit twice
        - bf's: bezier: rotate,translate


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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