Hi all,

For people who want to use Lilypond under Windows 95, here is how I

1) First, I have download tha 0.1.64 version of Lilypond music software.

2) Then I extract it in a temp directory, and I move the directory
"lilypond-0.1.64" to the root directory of my D drive.

3) I go to the D:\Lilypond-0.1.64\tex directory to modify the
lilyponddefs.tex file (lines 75 and 84), and comment all
cmbx15 ans cmbx14, and replace them by cmbx12.

4) build a command file like this:
Note: I use MiKTeX to process the tex file generated.

--- begin ly2ps.bat
echo off
set ver=0.1.64
set path=%path%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\bin
lilypond -I d:\lilypond-%ver%\init %1
rem *** pause

set path=c:\texmf\miktex\bin;%path%
set TEXINPUTS=%TEXINPUTS%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\tex
set MFINPUTS=%MFINPUTS%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\mf
tex %1.tex
rem *** pause

dvips %1.dvi
rem *** pause

set path=%path%;d:\gstools\gsview
gsview32 %1.ps
--- end ly2ps.bat

5) execute lilypond by doing:
ly2ps silly <Enter>

You'll better have to put the SET commands lines in a separate command
file to avoid consumming each time environnment ressources.

Dominique Cretel.

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