Hi all,

I have extend Mats' patches to allow accidental transposition:
        \accidentals bes es fis;
                = \transpose d =>
        \accidentals gis;

As you can see in output the example file "test.ly" there are a few problems left:
- key undo (already in the Todo)
- "wrong" transposition: e.g. \transpose d of fis-major = gis-major (better as-major?).
        The solution gis=as etc. would concern both note and key transposistion


make release did not work for me: I do not have a README.txt
>       cp `find ./Documentation -name README.txt -print|head -1 ` README

  Eric Bullinger                Tel:     +41 1 632 4279       
  Institut fuer Automatik       Fax:     +41 1 632 1211       
  ETH-Zentrum / ETL K28         E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  CH-8092 Zuerich               http://www.aut.ee.ethz.ch/~eric



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