Hi Folks,
  Some problems with 0.1.83:
       1.  Build problems.
           make install tries to build texinfo documentation in
           strange places, then the build dies. 
           Workaround:  Delete Documentation from the top level
        2.  Staccato dots on chords are placed badly.
        <[b,8-.(\pp d-. g-.> <b8-. d-. g-.> <b-. d-. g-.> <)b-. d-. g-.]>
        shows no staccato dots.
        Where is the `right' place to put a dot on a chord?  I copied 

        3.  In multi-voice per stave work, ties don't seem to obey 
        Voice.ydirection.  They can then collide with bits and pieces
        from the other voice.

        4.  If I set \property Staff.Instrument = "piano" the word
        `piano' appears on top of the key signature and time signature,
        instead of to the left of the stave.

Here's a (rather long) example that shows problem 3.
enteredby = "Peter Chubb";
composer = "Domenico Zipoli";
date = "c1700";
title = "Verso II";

\version "0.1.21";

$voice_one = \melodic \relative c' { 
        a'2 bes4. [c16 bes] | a4 d ~ d c ~ | c b ~ [b8 a] a4 ~|
        [a8 gis16 fis16] gis4 a4^"'" e'4 | f2 ~ [f8 g16 f] e4 ~| [e8 f16 e] [d8 c] d2 |
        c2 bes4 ~ [bes8 c16 bes] | a4~[a8 bes16 a] g4~ [g8 a16 g] f4 ~ [ f8 g16 f] e4 
        [a8 g16 fis] g4 ~ g f | e2 ~ e4 g4 ~ | g [fis8 e] fis2 \bar "|.";

$voice_two = \melodic \relative c' { 
        [d8 e f d ] g4 c, | f d e2 | f4 ~ [f8 g16 f] e4 a|
        d,4. d8 c4 a'4 | r4 a4 bes4 ~ [bes8 c16 bes] | a2 ~ [a8 bes16 a] g4 ~|
        [ g8 a16 g ] f4 ~ [f8 g16 f] e4 | f2 ~ f4 e4 ~| e4 d4~ d4 cis4 |
        d2 cis4 d4~ | d4 [cis8 b] cis2 | d1 \bar "|.";

$voice_three = \melodic \relative c' {
        r1 | r2 [a8 b c a] | d4 g, c4. [d16 c] |
        b4. b8 [a b c a ] | [d, e f d ] g4 c,4 | f2 bes4 ~ [bes8 c16 bes]|
        a4 ~ [a8 bes16 a] g4 c, | [f8 g a f ] [c d e cis] | [d e f d] a2 |
        bes4. [c16 bes] a4 d | a1 | d1 \bar"|.";

global=\melodic {
        \time 2/2;
        \key  C;

\score {
%       For three recorders.
        \type StaffGroup
                \type Staff = descant {
                      \property Staff.Instrument = "Descant"
                        \clef "G^8";
                        \melodic \transpose ees'' {\global \$voice_one }

                \type Staff = treble {
                      \property Staff.Instrument = "Treble"
                        \clef "G";
                        \melodic \transpose ees'' {\global  \$voice_two }

                \type Staff = lower {
                      \property Staff.Instrument = "Tenor"
                        \clef "G_8";
                        \melodic \transpose ees' {\global \$voice_three }

% For keyboard (Organ)
        \type GrandStaff
                \type Staff = treble {
                      \clef "G";
                      \type Staff = treble <
                        { \voiceone \$voice_one }
                        { \voicetwo \$voice_two }
                \type Staff = bass {
                      \clef "F";

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