Hi there!

Jan and I had a Big Hacking Session yesterday, and the result is
called LilyPond 0.1.85.  It fixes a lot of bugs; we hope you like it.

I'll let you guys in on the Secret Plan of our release as well: if no
things go awry we will produce a 1.0.0 tomorrow that will be put on
pcnov.  We will also put it on various Important ftp sites like
ftp.gnu.org, sunsite.unc.edu and ftp.dante.de.

After that, we (i.e., Jan and I) will be leaving for the Austrian
mountains and won't be back for a week or two or so. Don't expect any
help from us then :-).  I trust you people will help out all the
newbies that flood the mailing lists.

pl 84.hwn4
        - revamped install directions.
pl 84.eb1
        - key undo    

pl 84.hwn3
        - misc scsii fixes.
        - doco fixes

pl 84.jcn3
        - bf: titledefs without poet
        - scsii fixes

pl 84.hwn2
        - don't make key items if no accs present.
        - Oops.   Lyric spacing should go to the right (and not left) (thanks, PC)
        - barnumbering break priority.
        - bf: tied chords
        - 16pt init for yodl-mudela
        - split span-score-bar.{cc,hh}
        - junked most experimental_features_global_b stuff
        - revised AUTHORS.yo 
        - dot stuff.  Added a Dot_column_engraver  (thanks, Mats)

pl 84.jcn2
       - ly2dvi fixes
       - w32/install doco fixes
       - mutopia fixes

pl 84.hwn1
        - fixes for ly2dvi + titledefs (Peter Chubb)
        - merge Span_dynamic_reqs too

pl 84.mb1
        - MF: Added breve and longa rests.
pl 84 jcn1
        - top website
        - ps-to-gifs: TRANSPARENT_IS_BROKEN (ppc hack)

pl 84.uu1
        - doco fixes


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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