hey, hey!  i disappear for awhile and look what happens!  congrats to
everybody on the development team.  i'm downloading the rpm as we
speak, and am eager to try it out.

sorry that i dropped off the scene (you may remember that i'm the
person who worked at creating an attractive webpage for lilypond, then
suddenly was never heard from again.)  i had set aside the
webpage-related mail while working on importing the docs into my
templates, but then some personal stuff came up which i had to deal
with.  i'm back, though i still need to figure out how to script
everything if the webpage is going to happen.  will be gone all next
week to my parents' 50th wedding anniversary as well...

a couple of things:

>>>>> "Han-Wen" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Han-Wen> Sources for this project are on

    Han-Wen>    ftp://pcnov095.win.tue.nl/pub/lilypond/ (Europe)

good, but the webpage says the 1.0 source is in
ftp://pcnov095.win.tue.nl/pub/lilypond/development/ , which it isn't.

    Han-Wen> ftp://prep.gnu.org/pub/gnu/

does this even exist?

$ping prep.gnu.org
ping: unknown host prep.gnu.org

| jeff covey [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://pobox.com/~jeff.covey/ 410-669-4926 |
|                               i don't do windows.                          |

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