> Well, for sure, the one thing I do miss in automake is wildcards. 1.3
> was just released without any sign of them.
yeah. You might have noticed our discussion just a week ago or so.
> > That's an idea :-). I am not a ChangeLog fan myself: the details of
> > the changes are in the sourcecode patches. I myself just want rough
> > overviews
> If I understand the Gnu coding standards correctly, the ChangeLog is
> supposed to tell you what used to be (before a bugfix or other
> change), while the workings of e.g. the bugfix itself should be
> documented in the source code.
> One way to use this is to say: «Hmm. This worked in pl. 48, and now
> it doesn't. Wonder what changed? I`ll check the ChangeLog.» Of
> course, for this to work, everybody has to update the change log.
And that is the flaw, as far as I'm concerned; using the patch as a
ChangeLog is foolproof. I disagree with the GNU coding standards in
this respect.