On Wednesday, 20 May 1998, Marcel Gerrits writes:

> Hi,
> I've a small question:
> I wrote the attached mudela file. When I run ly2dvi, a lot of errors
> are reported (lilypond does not accept 'a and 'b (I guess it should).
> Why doesn't this work ?
> Best regards, Marcel

You're probably using a post-pl62 version of LilyPond.  It's in the NEWS

    pl 62.hwn1
            - bf jcn8: deep copy Scope (ughugh.  I want GC!)
            - cleaned Identifier
            - mudela 0.1.14  'a -> a,

but perhaps we could have documented it a bit more prominently...

We found the significance of whitespace in Mudela ugly, and even harmful
when you're typing a lot of music.

In addition, we introduced 'relative octaves' (see Documentation/relative-
octaves.pod), which not only save you typing a lot of quotes and comma's
in most cases, but also let typing errors really stand-out.

The --excusez le mot -- preferred post-pl62 notation of your example
would be:

    \score {
      % \melodic {
      \melodic\relative c {
         \clef "violin";
         \meter 4/4;
         % \octave c';
         % 'a 'b c d e f g a b c' d' e'
         a' b c d e f g a b c d e


  * bin/convert-mudela converts 'c -> c, for you
  * lilypond -Q helps you convert absolute music to relative
    (available again in pl67)

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | LilyPond - The GNU music typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond

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