On Friday, 26 June 1998, Peter Chubb writes:

> In the documentation directory, I get:
> Makefile:51: warning: overriding commands for target `check-doc-deps'
> ../make/Targets.make:18: warning: ignoring old commands for target `check-doc
    + -deps'
> yodl2txt --live-data=3 -o out/AUTHORS.txt AUTHORS.yo
> yodl: illegal option -- -
> Yet Oneother Document Language  V1.22.jcn4
> (and a big help message).
> I'm using the version of yodl specified in the INSTALL.txt file.
> Peter C

So the documentation lies; my fault, i'm sorry. You need a newer yodl.  
Yodl/LilyPond development has been linked a bit, the last couple of weeks,
which is not a good thing.  Although i'll do my best to break the 
simultaneous- uprade dependency as much as possible, you might need from
time to time a new(er) yodl.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter
http://www.digicash.com/~jan         | http://www.digicash.com/~jan/lilypond

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