> I was now indeed able to install lilypond. From my experience I would
> recommend that in INSTALL.txt you add a little text regarding the
> following points :

> - I had Python 1.3.1 and that was not enough. Thus one needs python
>= 1.4

some people told me you need 1.5 or better.  Does 1.4 work?

> - textinfo with the URL features is needed. 3.12 does the trick.


[Jan N, why do we have to make info files by default ?] 

> - The user should find himself the directories of TeX. I have seen
> very different installations of TeX and I am not sure that autoconf can
> detect all possibilities. This would mean recommending the use of the
> --enable-tex-dir and --enable-mf-dir options. For all the RedHat (4.n
> & 5.n) distributions the correct pathes are :
>       --enable-tex-dir=/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/tex/
>       --enable-mf-dir=/usr/lib/texmf/texmf/fonts/source


> For recognizing different platforms you rely on too much information
> from the file /proc/cpuinfo. On my PII only a fraction of the
> information you have send me is available. Here is the file :

I don't think that we actively use this.  This i686-unknown-linux
stuff is done by the configure script, which comes from autoconf.  It
doesn't make a difference anyway. 

> Well I am still not able to compile some of the examples. Here are two
> examples which are a little surprising to me as it is the parser which
> does not work correctly. If you need more information no problems !

> ---------------------
> mompou.lmd.jussieu.fr:/home/polcher/lily> lilypond coriolan-alto.ly

I removed this example.  It doesn't show anything. 
> mompou.lmd.jussieu.fr:/home/polcher/lily> lilypond part.ly 

I'll have  a look.

> Web page. I am not sure that if my success was pure luck or an
> understanding of lilypond. I was unable to put the fingering on top of
> the notes (letters for the right hand and numbers for the left hand)

have you tried this:


have a look at the preludes-* in the mutopia/J.S.Bach directory

> but that is probably because it is not described in the manual. As
> for the fret diagrams they are not very important according to my wife
> (She is the pro here (in classical guitar) !).


> Anyway we will continue to explore lilypond. I hope that if we are
> able to master it we can contribute something to the manual. I know
> what it means documenting software ! It is often easier when you are a
> simple user.

That would be great... I am not very fond of writing doco :)


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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