> Thomas F. Rutherford writes:
> |Sorry to bother you, but I'm not sure why Lilypond is not installing
> |properly.  I issue the command:
> |
> |     ly2dvi.py angles.ly
> |
> |and I get the following response:
> |
> |ly2dvi 0.0.2
> |GNU LilyPond 1.0.6
> |warning: can't find file: `init.ly'
> |
> |ly2dvi hmm, I could not find an output file name
> |
> did you set the environment:
> set LILYPONDPREFIX=LilyPond-dir 
> set path=%path%;%LILYPONDPREFIX%\bin;MiKTeX-dir\miktex\bin 
> set TEXINPUTS=%LILYPONDPREFIX%\texmf\tex\lilypond;; 
> set MFINPUTS=%LILYPONDPREFIX%\texmf\mf\public\lilypond;; 
> ly2dvi.py finds texmf by its relative path to the bin directory ie it
> looks at $0.  So ly2dvi.py must be invoked from the above path
> settings.

That would be silly: ly2dvi.py invokes TeX.  Why can't ly2dvi set
those env vars?


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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