
We have been able to reproduce your core dump.  It seems to be in the
lyric section.  I will keep you informed as we make progress.

Enclosed is your _original_ score so other LilyPonders can make


First, thanks for help with the bug fix.  I'm up and running and happy
with the way the Lilypond program behaves.

I don't know whether you are to the point in program development that
you are examining ungraceful exits, but here is a program which does
so.  I found a way to work around problems, but it might be of some
interest for the developers.

-- Tom

filename =       "";
title =  "Some Scales in Different Keys";
description =    "Basic Jazz Scales.";

composer =       "Satchmo";
enteredby =      "Tom Rutherford";
copyright =      "public domain";

%default_paper = \include ""

major = \melodic \relative c {c 4 [d 8 e f g  a b] | c 4 [b 8 a g f e d]
| c 1  }
dom   = \melodic \relative c {c 4 [d 8 e f g  a bes] | c 4 [bes 8 a g f
e d] | c 1 }
bebop = \melodic \relative c {[c 8 d e f g a bes b] | [c8 b bes a g f e
d] | c 1 }
minor = \melodic \relative c {c 4 [d 8 ees f g  a bes] | c 4 [bes 8 a g
f ees d] | c 1  }
blues = \melodic \relative c {c 4 [ees 8 f fis g bes c]  | c 4 [bes 8 g
fis f ees c] | c 1}
phryg = \melodic \relative c {c 4 [des 8 ees f g aes bes ]  | c 4 [bes 8
aes g f ees des] | c 1}

        \melodic { \clef bass; \time 4/4;
          \type Staff {  \major \dom }
          \type Lyrics \lyric {Major 1 " " 1  " " 1 Dominant 1  " " 1 " " 1}
          \type Staff {  \bebop \blues }
          \type Lyrics \lyric {Bebop 1 " " 1  " " 1 Blues 1  " " 1 " " 1}
          \type Staff {  \minor \phryg }
          \type Lyrics \lyric {Dorian 1 " " 1  " " 1 Phryigian 1  " " 1 " " 1}

Thomas F. Rutherford                Phone (303) 492-5169
Department of Economics             Fax   (303) 492-8960
University of Colorado              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boulder, CO 80309-0256


Jeffrey B. Reed

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