
> > 
> > I have started entering 'ad libitum' music, but I am facing a problem:
> > 
> The cadenza mode was designed for cadenzas.  I'd suggest to insert
> breaks after phrase ends.
> > So, I think there is no clean solution with the current mudela syntax.
> >     What would be nice to solve this problem is to have a new toggle
> >     value at the \cadenza command (like '\cadenza 2;') that would
> >     enable the automatic line break after each note (or a command
> >     that would allow a line break to occur anywhere between the notes).
> I added a property 
>       barAlways
> and 
>       defaultBarType,
> so to get what you want, you do
>       \property Staff.barAlways = "1"
>       \property Staff.defaultBarType = "empty"
> switch off with
>       \property Staff.barAlways = ""
> This will be in .8
Thank you very much for your quick answer and enhancement. You will find
attached a credo3.ly file which you could use to test this new feature.
This file is by now incomplete, but I intend to complete is as soon as
possible and make it available in this newgroup.

Best regards,
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Eric PAIRE
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | The Open Group - Grenoble Research Institute
Phone : +33 (0) 476 63 48 71      | 2, avenue de Vignate
Fax   : +33 (0) 476 51 05 32      | F-38610 Gieres      FRANCE
------  Cut Here  ------  Cut Here  ------  Cut Here  ------  Cut Here  ------
% Credo III
        \type Staff \melodic \transpose a{
            \cadenza 1;
            \key f;
            c''8 a' f' bes' a' [ a'( g' )f' ] f'4. \bar "||";
            [ a'8()bes' ] a' c'' a' f' g' f'4
                f'8 a' bes' c'' c'' c'' d'' c''4
                c''8 c'' d'' d'' f'' [ e''( c'' ) d'' ]] d'' c''4
                c''8 a' f' bes' [ a'( f' )g' ] g' f'4 \bar "||";
            c''8 c'' a' a' f' f' g'4 a'8 bes' g' f'4
                a'8 a' a' bes' g' c'' c'' d'' d'' c''4 \bar "||";
        \type Lyrics \lyric{
            Cre-8 do in un- um De-4. um,4.
            Pa-4 trem8 o- mni- pot- \'en- tem,4
                fac-8 t\'o- rem cae- li et ter- rae,4
                vi-8 si- b\'\i- li- un \'o-4. mni-8 um,4
                et8 in- vi- si- b\'\i-4. li-8 um.4
            Et8 in u- num D\'o- mi- num4 Ie-8 sum Chris- tum,4
                F\'\i-8 li- um De- i u- ni- g\'e- ni- tum.4

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