> It appears to me that the [de]crescendo marks are tied to notes.
> For example, I must say a4\< b c \:d2.
> I'd like to express something like this (imagine \< and \> were like
> notes and could take a duration):
> <d1 {\<2 \>2}> %(I'm not suggesting this syntax, just using it here).


6.3: How do I put more than one marking on a note.

You can stack them 


or use spacing-notes to put markings at different horizontal positions 

        < c1
          { s4\ff s4^"text" s4-\marcato s4 }

This also works for crescendi, eg, 

        < c1
          { s4\< s2 \! s4 }


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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