> Proposed extensions in German language to the glossar follow below.

Looks good, feel free to send a patch.  The real stuff is

> Ciao,
>       Juergen Reuter
> ENGLISH                   GERMAN                    NOTES
> Pythagorean comma         Pythagoreisches Komma
> A                         a
> B                         h
> C                         c
> D                         d
> E                         e
> F                         f
> G                         g
> accident;                 Vorzeichen;
> accidental                Versetzungszeichen
> alteration
> alto                      Alt
> appogiatura               langer Vorschlag          "Vorschl\"age" is plural
>                                                     form
> bar; measure              Takt; Taktma\ss{}         Note: "measure" is not
>                                                     "maatstreep" but "maatsort"

I'd measure = maat in Dutch (bar = maatstreep, time signature = maatsoort)

> beat                      Taktart;                  "beat" = "measure"?
>                           Taktvorschrift

No, I'm not sure on the German.  In beat = tel (literally translated "count")
> fourth                    Quarte; 4. Stufe
> grace note                Vorschlag;                "Manieren" is a more
>                           Vorschlagnote             general term, which
>                                                     covers grace notes,
>                                                     but also trillers,
>                                                     mordents, etc.



Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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