        Since installing 1.1.33, I see marks and dynamics in the wrong 
places (overlapping each other, and in strange places wrt the stave)

Here's a sample:

title="Caro Mio Ben";
subtitle = "(Come once again)";
filename = "caromioben.ly";
enteredby = "Peter Chubb";
composer = "Guiseppe Giordiano";
date = "1748--1798";
\version "1.0.14";

        \time 4/4;
        \key D;
        \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "C"

tune=\notes\relative c''{
        \property Voice.beamAuto = 0
        \property Voice.dynamicDir = 1
        \partial 2;
        r2^"{\Large \bf Larghetto.}" | r1 | r1 | r1 |
        \property Voice.textstyle = "italic"
        r2 d4 cis8. b16 |
        a2 b4  a8. g16 |
        fis2 g4 fis8 e |
        a2 d,4 (*31/32  \tiny [e16*1/16 ) d16*1/16]
        \normalsize   cis8 d |
        fis4( )e r2 |
        r2 b'4 a8. g16 |
        fis2 g4 fis8 e |
        [a8()d] [d,()g] fis4( )e8. d16 |
        d2 r2 |
        r1 |
        r2 a'4 b8 cis |
        b2 \< b4 cis8 \! d |
        cis2 e4-> \f d8 cis |
        [b8()gis] [a( )d] cis4 [b8.( )a16] |
        a2 b4 a8. g16 |
        fis4 r4 a4 g8 fis |
        fis4( )e  d' gis,8 gis |
        a2-\fermata(\<  \!)d4\sp cis8. b16 |
        a2 \< b4 \! a8. g16 |
        fis2 g4 fis8 e |
        [a8( )d] [d, ( ) g] fis4( )e8. d16 |
        d2 \tiny [g16 \p ( *1/16 a16*1/16] \normalsize
                )b4*31/32 a8. g16 |
        fis4 r4 \tiny [g16 ( \< *1/16  a16*1/16]\normalsize )b4 *31/32
        \! a8. g16 |
        fis4 r4 d'4 cis8 b |
        a2(*1/2 \tiny [b16 a gis a]\normalsize)d4-\fermata r4 |
        fis,2 e4. d8 |
        d2 r2 |
        r1 | r2-\fermata \bar "|.";

pianoRH=\notes\relative c' {
        \partial 2;
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone  \property Voice.slurdirection=UP
                        d'4( [cis8. b16] | <)a2 d,> <b4( g d> 
                         [<a8. fis> <g16 e>] | )fis2}
                {\voicetwo fis4 g | s2 s4 cis,4 | d2 }
        <g4 e b> 
        \type Staff <
                { \voiceone [fis8. e16] }
                { \voicetwo <cis4 a> }
        > |
        \type Staff <
                {  \voiceone [a8( )d] [d,( )g] fis4 [e8. d16] }
                {  \voicetwo d4 b d [d8 cis] }
        <d2 a> <fis4( d> <g cis,> |
        <)a2 d,> <b4( g d> 
        \type Staff <
                { \voiceone [<a8. fis> <g16 e>]  }
                { \voicetwo cis,4}
        > |
        <)fis2 d> <g4( b,> \type Staff < 
                {\voiceone [fis8 e]}
                {\voicetwo cis4}
        > |
        <)a2 d, a> <d, gis,> |
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone d4( )cis }
                {\voicetwo a2} 
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone  <d'4( fis,> [cis8. )b16] }
                {\voicetwo s4 g4}
        > | 
        a2 <b4  d,> 
        \type Staff < 
                { \voiceone [a8.( g16] | <)fis2 d> }
                { \voicetwo cis4 | s2 }
        <g4( e b> 
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone [fis8 e] }
                {\voicetwo cis4}
        > |
        <)a4 d,> \type Staff < 
                {\voiceone [d,8 g]}
                {\voicetwo b,4}
        > <fis4 d a> <e cis g> |
        [<d8 fis,> a' d fis] <a4( d, a> 
        \type Staff <
                { \voiceone [g8 fis] }
                { \voicetwo <d4 b> }
        > |
        [<e8 cis> <cis a e> <d a d,> <g, d>] <fis4 d a> <e cis g> |
        <)d2 fis,> <a'4 e a,> <a e cis> |
        \type Staff <
                { \voiceone a4( )gis} 
                {\voicetwo <e2 b>}
        <b4 e, b> <b gis b,> |
        <a4. cis,> r8 < a4 e a,> [<gis8 e d> <a e cis>]
        <gis4 e b> [<a8 e a,> <a d,>] <a4 e cis> <gis e d> |
        <a2 e cis> <g!4 e b > <e a,> |
        <fis4.( a,> <g8 e> <a4 d,> [<g8 e> <fis d>] |
        <)fis4  d> ~ <e cis> <gis e d> <gis e d> |
        <a2-\fermata e cis> 
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone <fis4 ( d> <g cis,> | )a2}
                {\voicetwo s2 | d,4 ( )cis } 
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone b4( [<a8. fis>  <g16 e>] | <)fis2 b,>}
                {\voicetwo b,4  cis | e4 ( ) d }
        <g4( e b> [<fis8. d a> <e16 cis a>] |
        <)d4. a> <g8 e b> <fis4 d a> <cis a g> |
        <d2 b fis> <g4 e b> <e a> |
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone <fis2 a,> <b4 g b,> [<a8. fis> <g16 e>]| <fis2 d> }
                {\voicetwo e4 ( ) d s4 cis | cis ( )b }
        <d'4 fis, d> \type Staff < 
                {\voiceone [<cis8 fis,> <b g>] }
                {\voicetwo  d,4 }
        <a4 d, a> r4 r4-\fermata <g e b> |
        <fis2 d a> <e cis a g> |
        <d a fis> <d'4( fis, d> 
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone [<cis8 fis,> <b g>] }
                {\voicetwo d,4}
        > |
        [<a8 d,> d d, <g e b>] <fis4 d a> <e cis g>
        <)d2-\fermata fis,> \bar "|.";

pianoLH=\notes\relative c {
        \property Voice.dynamicDir = 1
        \partial 2;
        <d4 a'> <e a> |
        <fis2 a> g4 a  |
        b2 <e,,4 e'> [<a8 a'> <g g'>] |
        <fis4 fis'> <g g'> <a a'> <a g'> |
        <d2 fis> <d4 a'> <e a> |
        <fis2 a> <g4 g,> <a a,> |
        <b2 b,> e,4( [a8 g] |
        )fis2 <e b> |
        \type Staff <
                {\voiceone fis4( )e }
                {\voicetwo a,2}
        <d4 \f a'> <e cis'> |
        <fis2 d'> <g,4 g' > <a a'> |
        <b2 b'> e4 [a8 g] |
        fis4 <g, g,> <a2 a,> |
        <d d, > <fis4 fis,> <g g,> |
        [<a8 a,> <g g,> <fis fis,> <b b,>] <a4 a,> <a, a,> |
        <a2  d,> cis4 a |
        e'2 gis4 e |
        a4. r8 cis,4 [b8 a] |
        [e'8( d cis )fis] e4 e, |
        a2 e'4 cis |
        d r <fis a> <g b> |
        a2  b,4  <e, e'> |
        <a2-\fermata a'> <d4 a'> <e a> |
        <fis2 a> g,4( [a8. ais16] |
        )b2 e4( [fis8. g16] |
        )fis4.  <e8 e,8> a,4 a|
        b2 <e4 e,> <cis cis,> |
        <d2 d,> <g,4 g,> <a a,> |
        <b2 b,> <b'4 b,> [<a8 a,> <g g,>] |
        <fis4 fis,> r4 r4-\fermata g,4 |
%       a2 < ~a a,> |
        \type Staff <
                { a2 ~ a } 
                { s2 a,}
        <d2 d,> b'4 [a8 g] |
        fis4. <g8 g,> <a4 a,>  <a, a,> |
        <a2-\fermata d,> \bar "|.";

        \partial 2;
        \skip 1*2;
        s4 s2._"{\bf largamente}" |
        \skip 1*5;
        s2 \mf s2 |
        \skip 1*4;
        s2 \p s2 |
        s1 |
        s32 \< s16. s4. \! s2  \> s1 \! 
        s2 \pp s2 |
        s1 | s16 \mf s16 s8 s4 s2 |
        s2 \pp s2 |
        s2 \p s2 |
        s2 \mf s2 |
        \skip 1*8; |

        \type PianoStaff <
              \type Staff=pianoRH \notes<{\clef "treble"; \global\pianoRH}
                              {\property Staff.dynamicDir = -1
                                \dynamics }
              \type Staff=pianoLH \notes{\clef "bass"; \global\pianoLH}

        \partial 2;
        ""2 | ""1 | ""1 | ""1 | 
        ""2 Ca-4 ro8 mio8 |  ben2
        cre-4 di-8 mi_al-8 | men2 sen-4 za8 di |
        te2 __ lan-4 __ gui-8 __ sce_il | cor.2 ""2 | ""2 
        Ca-4 ro8. mio16 | ben2 sen-4 za8 di | te4 lan- gui-4. __ sce16 il16 | cor.2
        ""2 | ""1 | ""2 Il4 tuo8 fe- | del2 so-4 spir-8 a_o-8| gnor2 ces-4
        sa8 cru-8 | del4 __ tan- to4 ri-4 __ | gor2
        Ces-4 sa8. cru-16 | del4 ""4 tan-4 to8 ri-8 |
        gor,2 tan-4 to8 ri- | gor.2 
        Car-4 ro8. mio16 | ben2 cre-4
        di-8. mi_al-16 | men2 sen-4 za8 di |
        te4 lan- guisce4. il8 | cor.2 
        Ca-4 __ ro8. mio16 | ben4 ""4 cre-4 __
        di-8. mi_al-16 | men4 ""4 sen-4 za8 di |
        te2. __  ""4 |
        lan-2 gui-4. sce_il8 | cor.2 ""2 | ""1 | ""2

EnglishWords=\lyrics {
        \partial 2;
        ""2 | ""1 | ""1 | ""1 | 
        ""2 Come4 once8. a-16 | gain,2 
        joy4 of8. my16 | heart,2 
        I4 can-8 not | live2 If4 __ we8 must | part2 __ ""2 | 
        ""2 Come4 once8. a-16 | gain,2 I4 can-8 not|  live4 __
        if __ we__ _8 must8 | part2 ""2| ""1 |""2 I4 am8 thine | own,2
        All4 love8 for |
        you,2 To4 thee8. a-16 | lone4 faith-4 ful4 and | true,2 To4
        thee8. a-16 |
        lone4 ""4 faith4 ful8 and |
        true,2 __ faith-4 ful8 and | true.2 Come4 once8. a-16 | gain,2
        joy4 of8. my16 | heart,2 I4 can-8 not |
        live4 __ if __ we4. __ must8 | part2 come4 once8. a-16 | gain4
        "" joy __ of8. my16 | heart4 "" I can-8 not |
        live2. __ ""4 | if2 we4. must8 | part.2 ""2 | ""1 | ""2

words=\lyrics <
      \type Lyrics = It { \property Lyrics . textstyle = "roman" \ItalianWords }
      \type Lyrics = En { \property Lyrics . textstyle = "italic" \EnglishWords }

    \notes \transpose bes  <
        {\type Staff=voice \notes\transpose c {\global\clef "F"; \tune}}
        {\type Lyrics=voice \words }
        \paper {
%              castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;
               \translator {\BarNumberingStaffContext}
%              \translator {\HaraKiriStaffContext}

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