> Well, I am nearing a big performance of a composition of mine on the
> 25th.  It has been notated in lilypond, of course.  I am about to hand
> the score off to my conductor, but would like to raise a couple of
> issues too see if they might be resolved before I give the parts to
> the musicians.  I have listed these in the order of importance, as it
> appears to my eye, on my score.
> 1. Slurs seem to collide with just about anything, but particular
>    problems include collisions of slurs and dynamic markings, both
>    hairpins and absolute markings (like \mf).  Slurs also collide with 
>    scripts such as fermatas and accidentals, but this occurance isn't
>    as common or as ugly as the dynamic collisions.  This is probably a 
>    tough issue to fix due to the flexible shapes that slurs can have,
>    so I can understand why this issue hasn't already been fixed.  On
>    the other hand, it is pretty glaring and hard to excuse to
>    non-lilyponders, like my composition professor. 8-)

You are right in your analysis.  You can try to move the dynamics by
including "empty" scripts , like


(the -\ff syntax is legal from .38 on).  You might have to fiddle with
priority settings to make sure that the strut comes between the staff
and the dynamic marking.

> 2. Dynamics are placed strangely.  In particular, hairpins and
>    absolute markings are not aligned vertically, and they often
>    collide horizontally.  This, a swell such as 
>      <c'1 { s4 \mp \< \! s4 \f \> \! s4 \mp } >
>    comes out looking like a train wreck.  Less extreme examples are
>    not quite as problematic, but it isn't "right" yet, either.

You can temporarily fix this by moving the dynamics to the up stave.
That is not perfect either, but it looks better.

> 3. Triplet markings often collide with the stems in the figure.  This
>    is more common when the note stems go down as opposed to up.


> 4. The first system of the Hari-Kiri score needs to show all of the
>    instruments, even if they don't play right away.  The first system
>    is a special case.

Use normal rests (iso. multi measure rests) for the first line.

> 5. There are about a thousand other things that look fantastic!  Keep
>    up the great work!

:-) thanks.

> because they are important to me.  If Jan or Han-Wen wants to give me
> some pointers and hints about how to fix any of these problems myself
> (especially if it is easy) I will take a shot.

You might want to try fixing some of the alignment problems, by
investigating why Crescendo doesn't become shorter when there are
dynamics.  Relevant code: dynamic-engraver.cc, crescendo.cc
(check out the Crescendo::dyn_b_drul_)

> John
> -- 
> John Galbraith                  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> University of Arizona,                  home phone: (520) 327-6074
> Los Alamos National Laboratory          work phone: (520) 626-6277
>                                 home page: www.ece.arizona.edu:/~john
> "As had been true historically, Gates' concern was not making great
>  products, but keeping the world locked into using his products."
>     --- Wendy Goldman Rohm, The Microsoft File


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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