I am a bit confused (as always) about \input -ing files
in latex. I'm not sure if some of my setup is incorrect or
if I expect things to work that is not supposed to.
I'd be happy if someone could try mudela-book on
mudela-book-doc.doc on their system and tell me what works
and what fails. This was tried with lilypond 1.1.5.

If current dir is Documentation/tex, does the 
following work on your system:
  mudela-book mudela-book-doc
  latex out/mudela-book.latex

On my system latex can't find 
mudela-book-doc.0.0.0.tex, I have to cd into 
out and then run
  latex mudela-book.latex

Maybe this is the correct behaviour and I just 
tries to do something that isn't supposed to work. 

On  your system, if you from Documentation/tex 
run the folling:
  mudela-book mudela-book-doc
  cd out
  latex mudela-book.latex
  cd ..
  xdvi out/mudela-book-doc
does xdvi find all graphics? For me, xdvi only 
finds tex graphics, but complaints about all .eps files.

Adrian Mariano stopped me from making some not so well
though changes to mudela-book. I will keep fragment 
option as before (linewidth=-1 and mudela-book will
fill in \score{ } for you). Is it a good idea to change the
floating option so that the contents of the mudela block
must be the same as floating, but that graphics will be
created as eps graphics and will float in the middle of
the text as is does now?

Mariano said, and now I agree with
him, that fragment is for small examples. The floating
option is (at least for me) used the same way. I can add
an option eps that creates graphics as eps, but everything
else is as if no options was given when you want to write
the paperdefinition yourself.

Tom Cato Amundsen

"Daddy, why do those people have to use 
Microsoft Windows?"
"Don't stare, son; it's not polite."

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