> Inspired by Wan-Wen's motto: 'Backward compatibility sucks',
> I introduce on new option for mudela-book, and remove 
> two old.
>  * Mudela-book will scan mudela-code to see if it has to
>    add paper-definition and \score{\notes{...}}
>  * If the code is only voice-contents (no \score):
>      linewidth = -1 (This makes 'fragment' obsolete)

This is all nice, but I have another motto: "Programs that exhibit
intelligent behaviour suck".  In other words, what if I would like to
do this:

        % no \score { } here
        % no \paper either
        c4 c4

how would mudela-book cope?  I think it would be best to allow these
autodectected settings to be overridden.

> One question: Should doco for accordion-symbols go 
> into refman or an own file?

I'd say that accordion symbols are exotic enough to go in a sepearate file.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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