On Dec 8, 10:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jeff covey) wrote:
> >>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian Mariano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     jeff> \paper { gourlay_maxmeasures =4.; \translator {
>     jeff> \BarNumberingStaffContext } output = "homenaje"; }
>     Adrian> I tried your \paper blok and it produced homenaje.tex.
> it doesn't work for me.  the file gets named after the .ly file
> regardless.  i get this error about "output" being a keyword, if that
> helps.

Oh, I get that too.  It's because they forgot to remove the \output
keyword when they changed the syntax.  But it doesn't make a
difference.   Obviously there difference here has to do with the fact
that you have 1.0.18.uu1 and I have 1.1.8.  

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