On Thursday, 8 April 1999, Murray Adelman writes:

> Is it possible, using \type ChordNames to have a chord change in the
> middle of a bar?  For example in the file:

Yes, chords have durations just like notes.

> \score{ 
>         <\type ChordNames{
>                 \chords
>                 {c1 d-min}
>         }
>         \type Staff {
>         \notes{
>         \time 4/4;
>         c'4 e' g' c'' f''' d''' a'' d''}
>         }>
>         \paper {linewidth = -1.0;}
> }
> There will be two bars one with "C" on top and the other with "Dm" on
> top.  If I add another chord name, I will create an empty bar.
> Suppose I want, say "C" and "G" over the first bar and "Dm" over the
> second (how) can I do it?


   \chords{ c2 g d1-min }


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien/      | http://www.lilypond.org/

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