
        You'll find it at


        (Yes, there's a version 0.0.2 there as well for posterity's sake.)

        BTW - before I describe what's new since 0.0.1, I don't suppose
anyone has tcl/tk tutorial to recommend? Either online or printed; it
doesn't particularly matter which. Almost all the work that I've done so
far has been on the C++ backend; what few changes I've made in the tcl
I've basically been able to fake my way through. It's getting to be time
to make more substantial changes, though...

New stuff:

A make clean was done and backup files were removed before gzipping, for
smoother downloads (apologies for not doing this in 0.0.1)

The C++ side of things is now broken up to multiple source files which are
compiled separately. (Mr. Wuerthner was #include'ing .C files in his
original code -- eek. I've eliminated all but one instance of that...  
it'll be removed shortly as well.)
Deals with time and key signatures (though I haven't yet fixed enharmonic

Much more readable output -- doesn't dump an entire staff to one line
anymore. And even does barchecks.

Big things to do:

Send each staff to a separate output file for \include-ing in score and
part files.

Deal with enharmonic spelling correctly.

Deal with rests correctly.

Fix the bugs in the GUI that will make it difficult for people to use the
above features.

Fixing other assorted bugs in the program.


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