Werner Icking wrote:
> With other systems melisma(e/ta?) can be dealt with automagically
> by indicating slurs (or beams). As far as I know in music with lyrics
> no notes are beamed or slurred except for a melisma. So the slur
> indicates that one syllable is to be spread over several notes
> and in the same way syllables can be slurred to indicate that
> more than one syllable is dedicated to one note.

Different publishers (typesetters? editors?) have different
conventions. Some use a beam to indicate melisma. Some use
slurs. Some don't use any indication (except where the next
syllable appears). Some use a long underscore following a
word, or dashes in the middle of a word, to remind readers
that the syllable continues.
> In the same way automatic beaming shouldn't occur for notes
> associated to lyrics.
> This way it is done by M-Tx.

My personal preference is to have beaming completely
independent of lyrics. Maybe there could be some different
modes (engravers?) that people could choose. One could
control beaming with lyrics. Another could add a slur to
indicate a melisma. Another could add underscores at
suitable intervals on the page to indicate an extended
syllable. (This could possibly happen even if there is
one syllable on one very long (eg tied) note.)

Dr John Yesberg            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TCS Group, ITD, DSTO.                  Ph:  +61 8 8259 5728
PO Box 1500, Salisbury, SA. 5108.      Fax: +61 8 8259 5589

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