> In updating one of my .ly files for Lilypond 1.2, I converted the grace
> notes from the old method (before \grace was introduced) to the use of
> \grace. It now seems that I can't have fingerings attached to grace
> notes - they give the error below:
> fur-elise.ly:45:22: warning: junking request: `Text_script_req':
>       \grace { [f,16^1
>                        a16] }
> I can't see anything in the manual to suggest that this shouldn't work
> - am I doing something wrong or is this currently not possible?

It is not possible now, but will when I or someone else gets around to
implementing a Fingering_engraver  (to be situated at Thread and Grace

> the output 1.2.7 gives shows just how much work has been put into the
> program recently - the spacing has improved no end, and hardly anything
> collides any more! Thanks to all the programmers for putting in this
> work.

You're welcome!


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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