Enclosed is a patch which gives volta spanners a height to avoid
collisions and many enhancements and bug fixes to abc2ly (listed
below) to make it more compatible with abc2ps.

# Enhancements  (Roy R. Rankin)
# Header section moved to top of lilypond file
# handle treble, treble-8, alto, and bass clef
# Handle voices (V: headers) with clef and part names, multiple voices
# Handle w: lyrics with multiple verses
# Handle key mode names for minor, major, phrygian, ionian, locrian, aeolian,
#     mixolydian, lydian, dorian
# Handle part names from V: header
# Tuplets handling fixed up
# Lines starting with |: not discarded as header lines
# Multiple T: and C: header entries handled
# Accidental maintained until next bar check
# Silent rests supported
# articulations fermata, upbow, downbow, ltoe, accent, tenuto supported
# Chord strings([-^]"string") can contain a '#'
# Header fields enclosed by [] in notes string processed
# W: words output after tune as abc2ps does it (they failed before)

lilypond patch

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