Shamus wrote:
> This is dvips(k) 5.83 Copyright 1998 Radical Eye Software
> (
> ' TeX ouptut 1999.09.22:0009' -> |lpr
> <><>. [1] lpr: connect: Connection refused.
> jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
> This is running on a linux system with a 2.2.6 kernel.  Now is it my
> imagination, or should dvips be sending the output to gs instead of lpr?
> Ghostscript is installed and in the path...

On every other unix system I've used, the default output for dvips has
been to a file, but for some reason on my linuxppc system by default
dvips pipes its output to lpr.  You can override this with dvips -o fun.dvi, or probably dvips fun.dvi | gs.
David Roundy

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