> >>  First, create a chord from a given label
> >> supplied by the user and second, label a chord from a collection of
> pitches
> >> that the user supplies.
> >
> >We already have a mechanism for making things from labels. It is
> >called `identifier'. Do not duplicate this mechanism.
> This is not what I meant.  I meant a chord identifier such as m7 or maj7b5.
> It is *not* the same thing...

Currently it is not.  But if we decide that we're going to do some
kind of Label => Chord mapping, we should make this mapping an
extension of existing system, and not attach some arbitrary coding
with duct-tape onto existing structures.

> I can see that you didn't understand what I said at all.  That approach
> won't work because there are things that you can construct that are
> ambiguous e.g., CM6 vs. Am7: how are you supposed to decide, especially if
> the picthes are in an open spacing?  Like I said before, there are two

So what ambiguities do we have left if we store the tonic of the chord
as well?    <c e g a>  can not be confused with Am7 if you know that
the tonic is C.

> contexts that this whole chord thing can occur in:  One where the user has a
> certain flavor of chord in mind and you go look in the box to see what
> matches that flavor and you give it to them, and one where the user hands
> you a list of pitches and says, "Here, figure out what this is."  The second
> case is a lot more problem prone (just ask anyone who uses Cubase) and
> subject to ambiguities while the first case is not.  And, in the second
> case, you're still going to have to do a whole bunch of if-then statements
> anyway, so what's the problem (I can fix the stuff in Chord::Chord BTW)?

There are two issues: the first is that the implementation is not up
to my standard, with the lengthy if-then syntax and bugprone
synchronisation between various input and C++ files. That is something
minor, and it can be fixed. (Because it is minor, it was the first
thing I saw)

The second issue is that the implementation has a specific, limited
set of chordnames hardcoded.  I don't think this is a good solution,
because at some point someone will pop up and say ``Hey, how do I get
{American|Australian|Swahili} chordnames for {oriential|baroque|jazz}
chords?''.  I don't want to tell this someone that it is not possible,
because we decided that there only be One Set Of Names together with
One Set Of Pitchlists.

So I think a solution should be

1.  Be Generic

2.  Failing that, Be Configurable.

I think the interesting questions are:

1.  What extra information is needed to make a list pitches uniquely
    represent one "flavor" of a certain chord,

2.  How do we offer end-user customizability of every mapping between
    names (labels) and pitches

Sorry that I sound so harsh; I know I do. But there is a reason: past
experience has taught that it is always better to get thing Right from
the beginning.  I fear the future bugreports that result from this

PS. Please don't get upset with me because I am critical of the things
you make. It's nothing personal: I am critical of almost everything,
including stuff I write myself.


Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter 

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