
I'm a bit confused the way the \relative pitches work
with repeats and alternatives.

I tried

/repeat volta 2 {A}
\alternative {{B} {C}}

the relative pitch of the first note in part B
seem to refer to the last note in A (ok),
while the notes in part C and D
seem to refer to the last note in B.
This is somewhat odd to me, I'd expect the first note in C
refer to the last note of part A and first note of part D to
the last note of part C (last alternative).

When I have to switch \clef in part B, the switch influences
part C, which it should not. If I restore the \clef in part C,
I get an unwanted clef sign.

Hope you understand these misphrased problems, sorry.

Cheers, Dirk.

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