Hello all,

recently I added to Lily the ability to automatically display
natural+accidental after a double accidental, e.g.

fisis fis

                    |    |
becomes (printed) xo| n#o|

(n depicts the natural sign). I would like to be able to
specify this manually from mudela, to make it clear in one bar
that the note is no longer double sharp, like in some bars before, but
a single sharp (with or without parenthesis ;-) ).

So, what would you suggest in mudela? We need another sign to
put after the note instead of '!' or '?' (like 'fis!').
(And, on top of that, I have no clue about how to modify the
mudela parser (I even only guess there's something like it! :-) ),
and how to make it modify an attribute (member variable) of a note.)


Dirk Lattermann   | Information is not knowledge | Beauty is not love
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Knowledge is not wisdom      | Love is not music
Bonn, Germany     | Wisdom is not truth          | Music is THE BEST
                  | Truth is not beauty          |             (Frank Zappa)

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