Hello, .10 is out. I've done some major rewriting on the back-end: cross references (references between stem & note-head, beam & stem, etc.) are now done via Scheme, which makes the backend more robust, more flexible and simpler to manage. I am presenting you this work-in-progress because I want to keep doing regular releases. 1.3.10 works much better than I expected, but it still is an experimental releases so there are still problems. Notably, all alignments are reversed. If you are interested into the innards of LilyPond, please do grab .10, to see what's new. The back end is starting to come to a point where it is possible to discern what the thing is actually doing. -- Han-Wen Nienhuys, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** GNU LilyPond - The Music Typesetter http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/hanwen/lilypond/index.html