First let me say thanks that the known issues which was blocking me going to 1.3 are now cleared. However, there is still a problem with voltas in 1.3.3[678] which does not happen in 1.2.17. The volta spanner bar does not appear in the second ending when I use 1.3. (ly file below) I have traced the problem to the fact that the last measure does not contain all the counts. The work-around is to add an s2 to the second alternative.
%\version "1.3.4" tune = \notes\relative c' { \repeat volta 2 { c2 d } \alternative { { e1 } { e2 }} } \score { < \context Staff = "S1" { \$tune } > \paper { \translator { \StaffContext \consists Staff_margin_engraver; } } }