Please note: this doesn't help you with one-sheet music, it speeds up
book projects using mudela-book or standalone latex files using mudela

Also note this is for 1.3.39, but diffs will hopefully apply for subsequent
realeases, too (maybe with fuzz)


II. To the deal:
 1. apply this patch to mudela-book executable:

--- mudela-book~        Tue Mar 28 19:31:28 2000
+++ mudela-book Fri Mar 31 22:11:16 2000
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@
                system ('lilypond %s %s' % (lilyopts, texfiles))
        for e in eps:
-               cmd = r"""tex '\nonstopmode \input %s'; dvips -E -o %s %s""" % \
+               cmd = r"""tex '\nonstopmode \input hack.tex \input %s'; dvips -E -o %s 
+%s""" % \
                      (e, e + '.eps', e)
                system (cmd)

 2. Put a hack.tex in your mudela-book output directory, in this format:
   a) first line says "\special{! %" (no quotes)
   b) cut & paste contents of file, usually in prefix/share/lilypond/ps
   c) last line says "}\turnOnPostScript" (no quotes)
 3. Apply this patch to lily.scm, usually in prefix/share/lilypond/scm

--- lily.scm    Tue Mar 28 19:30:26 2000
+++        Fri Mar 31 21:41:52 2000
@@ -309,16 +309,17 @@
   (define (header-end)
-     "\\special{! "
-     ;; URG: ly-gulp-file: now we can't use scm output without Lily
-     (if use-regex
-        ;; fixed in 1.3.4 for powerpc -- broken on Windows
-        (regexp-substitute/global #f "\n"
-                                  (ly-gulp-file "") 'pre " %\n" 'post)
-        (ly-gulp-file ""))
-     "}"
-     "\\input lilyponddefs \\turnOnPostScript"))
+;     "\\special{! "
+;     ;; URG: ly-gulp-file: now we can't use scm output without Lily
+;     (if use-regex
+;       ;; fixed in 1.3.4 for powerpc -- broken on Windows
+;       (regexp-substitute/global #f "\n"
+;                                 (ly-gulp-file "") 'pre " %\n" 'post)
+;       (ly-gulp-file ""))
+;     "}"
+;     "\\turnOnPostScript"
+    ""))
   (define (header creator generate) 

 4. I assume TeTeX here, if you have another distrib, I hope you'll
    figure it yourself, using this as example :)
    go to the root of your TeX tree (mine is in /usr/share/texmf)
    a) cd to tex/latex/base and remove that \dump at the end of file,
       then go back
    b) cd to tex/latex/config and add lines "\input lilyponddefs" and
       "\dump" before "\endinput" line to the latex.ini file.
    c) run 'initex latex.ini' and copy appeared latex.fmt to
       YOURTEXROOT/web2c/my.fmt, then go back
    d) cd to tex/plain/config and insert "\input lilyponddefs" line
       before line with \dump in tex.ini; run 'initex tex.ini';
       copy resulted tex.fmt over YOURTEXROOT/web2c/tex.fmt
    e) run texhash (or whatlike)
 5. add line "\input hack.tex" or whatlike after preamble but before
    \begin{document} in your latex file or after preamble in tex
    master file
 6. run latex on your files using smth like 'latex \&my yourfile.tex',
    tex doesn't suffer such a penalty :)

Voila! LILYPOND IS 50% FASTER NOW, postscript files are smaller


to Han-Wen: Well, it's a hackiest hack, but full solution would require
adding a command-line parameter to lilypond to exclude ps funcs and
hacking mudela-book to prepend them before known epses as well as
before known master file. You see, I don't know nor python nor scheme as yet
so I couldn't charge here :(


P.S. Speed increase may be not so large, it depends on possible
throughput and avg seek time of your hard disks (The digits provided
are for my ultra-dma 33 seagate), so if you run lilypond in ram disk
installation, you won't notice any difference in speed :)

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